Friday, September 3, 2010

join the club

I don't know who to be when you are telling me not to be me. I am stuck in a swirl of wants and needs. The dust can't stop spinning until you let me sit this one out. I know I'm not the only one who feels lost and forgotten. It is just hard to remember other people when I'm alone in this room.
The days and nights don't bring me much rest. The site of my face in the mirror just tears it all apart. I could lay in bed all day but who would be here to notice.
If what's worse is that I'm feeling sorry for myself then that's just fine. I'd rather be stuck with that than knowing what you really think about me.
I see the ones. The one you try not to look at. So put together standing up straight. You love me most but some days you wish I was just that way. Secure and smart. Towering over my insecurity with confidence in my hand. Its just so hard to think I'm fine when there's always something on the list that needs to be improved.
If you want me to change then you might as well just leave me now. I might just change but I am never going to be who you want me to be.

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