Sunday, September 19, 2010

Living on the fumes

Spilling my guts behind the doors of this rolling metal distraction. Trapped inside this moving, living, breathing death trap. Soon the value of my words will have the same diminishing value. The longer you keep me the less control I have. Realizing more and more the vulnerability I have resting upon my shoulders. The guilt is just a reminder that I will never know the real answer. Keep it all together. It is still waiting to come falling down. The spark that lit the fire is bound to run out. Trying to keep the wick alive is just avoiding the inevitable.
Flickers of gold and blue. The chewing has began to plug my ears. The familiar sound of fire is drown out but the noise in my mind telling me how easy it could be. You are never really going to be mine. If I give in. Whole body mind and soul you are in control. Holding me by tiny threads between your fingers. Either you hold on tight or let me plummet through the sky to my untimely crash.
At trade in value I am worth the cost of a 1000 miles. Time spent following the map when needed and throwing caution to the wind.
Here is to hoping we only get lost together.

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