Tuesday, August 10, 2010

for what its worth.

I can't help but feel as if we are all blind. Fear is not the answer. Knowledge is the answer. Its so simple. Just open your eyes. Do something.
Its hard for me to want to lead this normal life. Have kids and a house and all the things that would help me accomplish normalcy. I just don't see a reason in repopulating the planet when there could easily be no planet left.
People don't see what is capable of happening in the future because they are unaware of what happened in the past.
Just because it was 50 years ago doesn't mean its worth forgetting. People in the 60s cared so much about the future because they saw how wonderful life could be. They saw how beautiful the world could be. Power started with the people. It has so quickly been taken away. Maybe it has been given away. Due to our lack of concern.

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